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What is the Matrix Model of Treatment?
The Matrix Model of Treatment is a treatment that was developed by scientists in the 1980s in order to combat the ever rising epidemic of stimulant addiction. In the early 1980s, cocaine and amphetamine use was growing out of control and as drugs are not effective in treating stimulant addiction, a model of effective treatment became necessary.
According to the Behavioral Health Recovery Management Project and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Matrix Model is one of the more effective ways to treat stimulant addiction. It is guided by several principles and guidelines that manage recovery efficiently.
What is Different about the Matrix Model?
The Matrix Model has several differences when compared to traditional drug treatment models. In most treatment models the therapist acts as a sounding board for the addict to discover their issues. In the Matrix Model the therapist takes a more active role as:
- mentor
- coach
- teacher
- helper

Therapists use cognitive behavioral training within the Matrix Model.
They promote self-esteem and dignity, rather than reliance and entitlement.
The Matrix Model is more of a coaching method than it is a traditional therapy. Many people who use the Matrix Model find that it improves their chances by:
- providing a framework for recovery
- gives the addict clear expectations
- giving them positive reinforcement
- provides correctional feedback along with teaching mechanisms
If you are addicted to stimulants and are interested in treatment centers that offer the Matrix Model form of therapy call us at 800-256-3490. We can help you find a treatment center near you that specializes in this type of treatment model.
Principles of the Matrix Model
The Matrix Model operates off several principles. These principles help addicts understand their treatment and use the tools to help them recover. Some of these principles are:
- collaborating with the client in a healthy positive way so the client is in control of their recovery
- monitors their drug use and provides both positive and negative reinforcements
- encourages the addict to help themselves recover instead of taking a passive role in their treatment
- uses cognitive behavioral training to reinforce concepts and ideas
- encourages family participation and education
- educates the patient about their addiction and its consequences
These principles guide the patient into learning and actively participating in their recovery. This active role gives them a sense of accomplishment and pride when they reach their goals.
Tips for Attending Family Counseling in an Addiction Treatment Center
How Long Does the Matrix Model of Treatment Last?
The Matrix Model is an intensive form of treatment. Most of the time you see it used during inpatient care because the education, reinforcement, and reward is immediate and the model works better with this reward. There are some treatment centers that will use the Matrix Model for outpatient treatment but these are relatively rare.
The average treatment time for those who are participating in inpatient Matrix Model stimulant addiction treatment is around 16 weeks. Although this might seem like a long time, the behaviors behind stimulant addiction need to be restructured for the addiction to end.
If you are tired of your stimulant addiction and want to find a treatment center that uses this model of addiction treatment we can help. All you have to do is call 800-256-3490.