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What Is the Matrix Model?

If you are researching drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment, you may have come across the term ‘modalities.’ Essentially, modalities are different therapeutic models. For example, cognitive behavioral therapy is a really common rehab modality. You may have run across discussion of family therapy or solution focused therapy. There are a lot of different treatment modalities.

One of the difficult things about all of these terms and practices is that they tend to be challenging enough to understand that they distance the people who really need them. If you can’t understand a treatment focus, it’s hard to assume it will help you in any way.

For one thing, your drug and/or alcohol use has an impact on your brain function and you may not be thinking as clearly as you would like. In addition, you have a very real stake in the discussion. All of that pressure can make navigating therapy modalities feel impossible.

But, it isn’t. You need to take baby steps. This is a good place to start. IF you end up with remaining questions or your research gives you new questions to ask, the internet can help. You can also ask people at 12 step meetings what worked for them. Experts are probably your best bet for answers.

For example, the specialists at our helpline can offer you the answers you need, as well as connect you with resources and direct you to treatment centers that meet your needs. Give them a call at 800-256-3490 and take advantage of their expertise.

A treatment modality that doesn’t get much attention is the Matrix Model, which is used specifically to treat people who are dependent upon or addicted to stimulants—like meth or cocaine. If you suffer from a stimulant addiction, you could benefit from this model.

The Essentials

the Matrix Model

Within the Matrix Model, the goal of the therapist is to encourage positive change.

The Matrix Method is what is referred to as a structured treatment approach. That means that each part of it is designed and implemented in exactly the same way for every patient. The treatment offers clients information, helps them to develop a substance-free life, and provides them with much needed support to achieve stimulant abstinence (and abstinence from other drugs) and to maintain it.

The Matrix Model relies heavily upon a therapist, who is one-part teacher and one-part coach. They work to motivate positive change by developing a positive, nurturing relationship with you. You might be concerned that nurturing makes the therapist sound a little parental, but that isn’t the case. They work, instead, to be direct and honest in order to support your dignity, self-respect, and self-esteem.


You are probably curious about how long people have been practicing the Matrix Method. It dates back to the 1980s, when a ton of cocaine and meth users were flooding the treatment system. Unfortunately, the system had no idea what to do with them because the primary population of most treatment centers were alcoholics. The methods used to help an alcoholic don’t transfer to stimulant users, so something else had to be developed.

To answer this call, the Matrix Institute borrowed from a number of existing treatment methods and used” “elements of relapse prevention, cognitive–behavioral, psychoeducation, and family approaches, as well as 12-Step program support.” These methodologies formed the base of the treatment and the Matrix Institute used that base to build upon and refine their method.

Counselling Sessions

The actual treatment method involves a number of counselling sessions. For 16 weeks, clients attend several sessions per week, and these are all outpatient.

The 5 types of counselling sessions:

  • Individual/Conjoint family sessions (3 sessions)
  • Early Recovery Skills group sessions (8 sessions)
  • Relapse Prevention group sessions (32 sessions)
  • Family Education group sessions (12 sessions)
  • Social Support group sessions (36 sessions)

You should also be prepared to learn about support groups, develop time management and scheduling skills, and participate in regular drug and alcohol screening.

Is It Successful?

Research on the Matrix Model has, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, demonstrated decreases in drug and alcohol use, psychological advances, and lessened risky sexual behavior among participants.

The Matrix Model has shown participants have significant decreases in drug and alcohol use, advances in psychological areas, and decreases in dangerous sexual behaviors.

If you feel like the Matrix Model could be what you need to support your abstinence from stimulants like cocaine and meth, you need to be connected with a center that uses it, and we can help. Give us a call at 800-256-3490 to get started.

Are There Specific Treatments for Cocaine Addiction?

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