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Ketamine is a medication that is commonly used in the treatment of animals but which is often taken by drug abusers to produce a hallucinogenic, out of body experience similar to certain types of psychedelic drugs. Ketamine abuse can lead to an array of consequences, but most of the dangers can be reduced or even completely eliminated if you seek treatment. For help finding ketamine addiction treatment for yourself or someone you care about, call our helpline toll-free.

How Long Does Ketamine Rehab Take?

ketamine rehab

Ketamine rehab is a personalized experience.

The amount of time that you spend in a residential rehab center will vary based on a number of factors. The most common factors that should be considered in determining how long treatment for ketamine addiction will take include:

  • The program details – each program will have a detailed outline of the proposed time length for treatment.
  • Whether you choose inpatient or outpatient treatment.
  • Whether you have been addicted to ketamine or other drugs for a very long time.
  • Whether you have suffered from addiction in the past.
  • Whether you suffer from underlying mental or physical health disorders that also require treatment.
  • Whether you are fully committed and ready for treatment.

Why Choose Inpatient Rehab Centers?

One of the most challenging decisions you will make when seeking help for ketamine addiction will be whether to go to an inpatient rehab center or to an outpatient rehab center. There are similarities and differences between the two. Each carries a set of benefits, but the right choice for you may not be your first choice—here’s why:

Inpatient rehab centers are often the right choice for most ketamine addicts. These programs provide around-the-clock treatment, support and safe, clean living in a residential facility in which counseling, therapy and medical care can take place. While inpatient rehab centers offer the safest treatment, most addicts initially choose outpatient treatment because they do not want to commit to living in a treatment unit separated from their friends and family.

Although outpatient rehab centers can help people to get sober, they are not always the best option—at least not at first. The relaxed environment and ability for the addict to come and go to treatment as they please creates a very difficult path for most in early recovery when it’s hard to say no to drugs and when cravings and stimuli consistently lead the mind towards the idea of using drugs or alcohol once again. As such, it is recommended that you first seek the help of an inpatient rehab center that will assist you in overcoming the withdrawal symptoms and in preparing for long-term recovery without relapse.

When is Outpatient Treatment Recommended?

For those suffering from ketamine addiction, outpatient treatment is commonly recommended after a residential treatment program has been completed. Most residential or inpatient rehab centers provide at least 28 to 30-days of treatment in a 24-hour, controlled unit. Following successful completion of residential treatment, you will feel comfortable and in better control of the cravings and symptoms associated with your addiction—this is the time when you can begin to think about transitioning into an outpatient rehabilitation program.

In certain, limited cases, ketamine addiction treatment can begin in an outpatient treatment center. You may be a good candidate to immediately enter outpatient treatment without spending time in a residential rehab center if:

  • You have only just started using ketamine and are not heavily addicted.
  • You have a very strong support system through friends and family at home who are committed to helping you to stay sober.
  • You have a job that prevents you from taking leave to seek residential treatment and you realize you need help but cannot commit to an inpatient unit.
  • You have a family to support and could not otherwise seek residential help but are willing to attend outpatient rehab for treatment.
  • You have already finished inpatient treatment and recently had a slip up in drug or alcohol use that you realize requires additional counseling and therapy to overcome.

If you or someone you love is addicted to ketamine, we are here to help. You’re not alone in your fight to get well. We can help you find and choose a rehab center that will show you the path to recovery. For help or if you just want someone to talk to, call our helpline toll-free. There is no obligation when you call and your information is kept confidential.

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